"...all good things-trout as well as eternal salvation-come by grace and grace comes by art and art does not come easy.”

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Crafting Cane: Bamboo Fly Rod Builder - Don Andersen

Troutfodder video on Youtube - Crafting Cane: Bamboo Fly Rod Builder - Don Andersen


Once described by Izaak Walton as "The Contemplative Man's Recreation", fly fishing is steeped in history. With its North American roots planted firmly in the back woods of Maine, New England, and the Catskill Mountains of New York, and intertwined with early American archetypes like Henry David Thoreau, Theodore Gordon, and Hiram Leonard, traditional fly fishing and cane rod building represent a time when communion with nature was considered an elixir for the maladies of early industrialization. It is this philosophy of connectedness to the natural world that forms the cornerstone of building bamboo fly rods today.

Crafting Cane is a short documentary profiling local fly rod builder Don Andersen as he transforms raw bamboo into split cane fly rods. Using a measured mix of modern know-how and traditional techniques, Don creates fly rods that are not only fully functional works of art, but also an expression of the underlying philosophy behind the craft.